is not a “consumer reporting agency†and does not supply “consumer reports†as those terms are definedīy the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). You may be shocked by the information found in your The information on this website is taken from records made available by state and local law enforcement departments,Ĭourts, city and town halls, and other public and private sources. The number one cause of death for Americans traveling abroad is an automobile accident.In low and middle-income countries, car crashes account for $65 billion in damages and loss more than the amount that the countries receive in developmental assistance.Most of all vehicle-related deaths occur in low-income countries where less than half of all vehicles are registered.Vehicle crashes cost $518 billion each year in damages.
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8,000 people are killed each year involving drivers who are 16-20 years old.Car crashes are the number one cause of death for people ages 15-29.Every year 400,000 young people, under the age of 25 die in automobile accidents.Car crashes are the 9th leading cause of death and the cause of 2.2% of deaths globally.More than 1,600 children die each year in car crashes.More than half of all vehicle-related deaths occur among people 15-44 years old.20-50 million people are injured in car crashes each year 2.35 million of them are from the United States.3,287 people die in car crashes each day 37,000 of them annually in America.